Yesterday I had the privilege of taking part in an Education Expo at VIU: a trade-fair-style show on the topic of education, with several booths and exhibits in which people could participate.
Self-Assessment: In Detail
In a few short weeks, my knowledge of self-assessment techniques for the student has been significantly augmented! I recently finished my first of two practica at John Barsby Community School, and my sponsor-teacher has been a wealth of information. His insight seems to correlate quite nicely with the academic literature I’ve reading on the subject, so I thought I would share some of our ideas here. If you’re an educator, I hope they’ll be useful to your practise.
Read more Self-Assessment: In Detail
When students appear disengaged and can’t connect to your subject matter after days or weeks of explanation, how do you encourage them to take that next step in their learning? Do they even care? What if the answer goes back to the beginning of the term and what their own goals were?