Self-Assessment: In Detail

In a few short weeks, my knowledge of self-assessment techniques for the student has been significantly augmented! I recently finished my first of two practica at John Barsby Community School, and my sponsor-teacher has been a wealth of information. His insight seems to correlate quite nicely with the academic literature I’ve reading on the subject, so I thought I would share some of our ideas here. If you’re an educator, I hope they’ll be useful to your practise.

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Introduction to Technology Integration

What Does Technology Integration Look Like?

Technically, every classroom uses technology, in that pencils and paper are rudimentary pieces of technology. That’s not the type of technology to which I’ll be referring to here. For the purposes of this blog, the term technology refers simply to digital technology and electronic devices of various sorts.

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Free Writing

As a man who writes poetry as a hobby, I am continually in search of new sources of inspiration and new techniques to be able to remove creative blocks. I have found the free writing activities our class has undertaken to be extremely enlightening. In most of these exercises, I have felt as if I was able to produce respectable work in a relatively short period of time. However, there was one free writing activity during which I felt my quality of writing dropped significantly: the group writing exercise where we would begin with a character sketch and pass our work to a classmate who would continue the story. Read more Free Writing